October 2007

James and Emily on Westminster Bridge with the London Eye in the
July 2007

Fire Island, July 2007.

Fireworks over the Manhattan skyline, 4th of July, 2006.
The main fireworks display is on the East River, but I can’t see those
from my apartment.
This is the display near the Statue of Liberty, seen beyond the buildings
of lower Manhattan
(that’s the new World Trade Center 7, over on the left).
June 2007

Gay Pride March, 5th Avenue, New York.
May 2007

The Frederic C. Hamilton Building, Denver Art Museum.
April 2007

My latest great-niece, Katie, with her dad.
January 2007

The view from my window just before midnight on New Year’s Eve, looking
towards Times Square.
October 2006

Geese flying to — where is it that geese fly to in the wintertime?
This gaggle was photographed at New Paltz, NY, in October 2006.
December 2005

Snowflake at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 57th Street, New York.
August 2005

Sunset on the World Financial Center (from a boat on the Hudson).
In case you’re interested, the tall building to the left of the three
main WFC buildings is the new World Trade Center 7 — the first
part of the rebuilding of the World Trade Center to be completed.