Picture Archive
pwall.net – Picture Archive
December 2001
A pohutukawa tree at Mission Bay in Auckland.
Rangitoto Island, off Auckland. I liked the way the clouds seemed to be symmetrically positioned over the island. OK, so it didn’t come out quite that way in the photo.
September 2001
World Trade Center Site
The view from my apartment window on my return to New York after September 11. The twin towers used to be a prominent feature of my view, but in this photo a column of smoke indicates the site where they once stood.
May 2001
World Trade Center
The World Trade Center from the Staten Island ferry.
Tony and Pat
My brother Tony and his wife Pat on the Brooklyn Bridge.
If I could see the top of the Empire State Building from my old apartment, then it follows that I could see the apartment from the top of the Empire State Building. The apartment is right in the middle of this picture.
Guggenheim Museum
The Guggenheim Museum. One of the strangest aspects of the building is that it is tucked in between conventional buildings on either side. It’s like walking round the supermarket and finding a Fabergé egg amongst the soap powder.
April 2001
Magnolia Stellata in central park, near the back of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I was so pathetically grateful to see spring flowers after a long, cold winter that I took a number of these photos.
February 2001
Darin and Tiffany
Shane’s nephew Darin and his girlfriend Tiffany outside the New York Stock Exchange.
January 2001
View from window
The view out of my old apartment window on a clear day in January. Yes, that’s the Empire State Building just visible behind the water towers. And yes, that’s snow on the rooftops opposite.