Picture Archive
pwall.net – Picture Archive
October 2002
Fall colors
A group of us went to Hyde Park, up the Hudson River, to see the fall colors.
Vanderbilt estate
Trees on the Vanderbilt estate.
Shaun and Heidi and Chris
Shaun and Heidi and Chris under one of those trees.
September 2002
Walney Island
Walney Island and Barrow-in-Furness, England, from 30,000 feet (I was born in Barrow and lived the first 4 years of my life on Walney Island).
Emily and James and me
Emily and James and their Uncle Peter (or to be more precise, their mother’s Uncle Peter).
June 2002
Gay Pride Parade
I took a few pictures of the New York Gay Pride Parade in June, but none of them came out very well. This float was doing the YMCA arm movements and thought I’d caught them doing Y, but it seems I got M.
May 2002
White House
My brother Tony and his wife Pat visited me again in May and we went to Washington DC for Memorial Day weekend. We did all the usual tourist sights.
Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial.
Strasburg Railroad
After Washington we drove up to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Tony wanted to see the preserved railroads and Pat wanted to see the Amish country. This is the Strasburg Railroad.
January 2002
Me in Sydney
I had been criticized for not having images of me on my website. So this is me in January 2002 in Sydney.